Analytical characterization of academic nude paintings from the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Lisbon
Nude paintings, Raman spectroscopy, EDXRF, Radiography, Infrared Reflectography, SEM-EDSAbstract
This study illustrates the analytical characterization of 20 academic nude paintings from the collection of the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Lisbon, made between 1899 and 1918. The study was performed by combining in situ non-invasive methods (infrared reflectography, radiography, and EDXRF) and laboratory microanalytical techniques (micro-Raman, micro-FTIR, and SEM-EDS). Infrared reflectography revealed underdrawings, underpaintings, painting style, and execution methods. Analytical techniques allowed the identification of painting materials, such as gypsum, lead white, barium white, zinc white, yellow ochre, chrome yellow, zinc yellow, red ochre, vermilion, ultramarine blue, hematite, Mars red, and lamp black. This study provides valuable information on the academic nude paintings’ palette and its artistic production technique. Finally, it intends to continue a systematic analytical study of the Faculty of Fine Arts’ collection, allowing the characterization of Master painters, their students, and other authors.
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