Summary list of articles since 2005 (further details at Issues)
- Synthetic-coated fabrics: challenges and conservation strategies
- The challenge of cellulose nitrate-coated fabrics: molecular characterization of celluloid detachable collars and Fabrikoid
- A preliminary approach for blooming removal in polyurethane-coated fabrics
- Beyond the surface: a closer look at the stratigraphy of synthetic-coated fabrics in fashion collections and commercial samples through optical microscopy
- Real or faux leather? Luxury or ready-to-wear mass production? Characterization of three TPU shoe coatings (ca. 1970) from the Kunstmuseum Den Haag fashion collection
- What smell can tell: using Magic Chemisorbers and GC/MS to capture and analyse volatiles off-gassing from plastic coatings
- Preliminary studies for the removal of carbonate deposits from painted ceramics using chemical solutions
- Geometrical and constructive analysis of the choir and crossing timber frames of the church of St. María (Alaejos, Valladolid)
- Searching for the original portrait of Afonso de Albuquerque – new revelations from the Viceroys Gallery of Goa
- Iron gall inks and their preservation – case study: 16th century documents in the Archivo Histórico Provincial de Santa Cruz de Tenerife
- Colours of the Tijomel ceramic manufacture (1941-1992): characterisation of a set of ceramic colourants and glazed tiles from Decormel Materials Catalogue
- Relocation and reuse of iron architecture in the contemporary period – case studies in Seville and Badajoz (Spain)
- Study of biodeterioration and evaluation of proteolytic activity caused by microorganisms in specimens of a zoological collection in Colombia
- Documentary data collection: an initial step for information management in the conservation and restoration of cultural heritage
- Historical-scientific heritage and the university: the two pillars of the History of Pharmacy collection in the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Seville
- The Virgin of the Snows of San Isidoro’s parish in Sevilla: a “fernandine” image or a nineteenth-century recreation?
- The colours of deception: marble imitations in Alentejo stucco altarpieces
- The ideological nature of the Estado Novo regime in the restoration of the Portuguese crown jewels: 1941-1954
- Intervention for the conservation and restauration of a Japanese domestic altar
- Conservation of industrial and technological heritage
- A tale of hazards: Ingenium’s industrial collections move
- Exploring Andalusian industrial heritage through data science: breaking down the gaps and concerns to visualise opportunities
- The railway heritage in the context of UNESCO: railway aspects for its interpretation and safeguard
- How Lipman’s “caring thinking” theory for human thought may encourage the safeguarding of industrial and technological heritage
- An in-depth look at the application of GIS for industrial heritage documentation
- Challenges in preservation of functional objects in museological context: the role of documentation in safeguarding of musical instruments collections
- Investigating five totalizing counters manufactured by the Alphonse Darras company of the CNAM collections in Paris
- Data analysis techniques for the visualization and classification of historical vehicle engines’ health status using data-driven solutions
- Heritage (almost) forgotten: breweries between reuse, safeguard and abandonment – the cases of Portugália at Lisboa and Antarctica at Joinville, Brazil
- “Rare and vital”: positive terminology, contemporary relevance and robust teaching options for heritage maker trades
- The Scottish transport and industry collections knowledge network (STICK)
- Things rust but memories last forever: creative conservation in the industrial heritage
- Is historic working machinery up to 21st century sustainability demands or are we stuck in time?
- Comparative assessment of paint systems for use on heritage artillery at coastal forts in England: experimental design and interim report
- Replacement of cast iron piers on an 1886 wrought iron truss bridge in New South Wales, Australia – the challenge of preserving heritage significance during major rehabilitation work
- A study of timber frame repair and the case of Gunns Mill’s old blast furnace
- Return of the space hoppers: more measures on dH Comet G-BDIX
- The conservative restoration brings the 1907 Fiat 130 HP back on the track
- Conservation of a WWII Supermarine Spitfire section wing
- Materials characterization of albumen prints from Calouste Gulbenkian´s memories album
- Examples of architectural restoration in Portugal in the 16th to 18th centuries according to the spirit of concinnitas: ideal of harmony, unity and conformity
- Geological, biological and physical-chemical studies for the conservation and restoration of the fountain in Weyler Square (Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain)
- Damage mapping as a tool in the maintenance of architectural heritage: the case of Eufrásio Barbosa Market
- Application of 3D technologies for museum reproductions: the skull of Homo naledi from the MNCN
- Decision-making process and restoration work of a photographic-based artwork by Ernesto de Sousa
- Plastics in fashion: a review of plastic materials in modern and contemporary costume collections and their conservation
- Evaluation of the antifungal efficiency of biocides currently applied in the Coimbra UNESCO area limestone monuments
- The completion of the Church of Santa Engrácia in the context of the valorization of the Baroque style in Portugal and the principles of the international Charters of Athens and Venice (1953-1966)
- Analytical investigation and electrochemical conservation treatment for archaeological copper alloy artifacts from Jordan
- The Pinelo Palace in Seville: the restoration works by Rafael Manzano between 1969 and 1981
- The colours of Portuguese azulejos: a review
- An approach to HBIM methodology applied to the conservation of altarpieces: two case studies in the Canary Islands
- Characterisation of stucco marble coatings towards their preservation
- The historical mortars of the castle of Cifuentes (Guadalajara, Spain)
- Conservation problems and solutions in private collections: intervention in the Basque artist Nestor Basterretxea's own collection
- Public housing as urban heritage: experience and research approach in Spain
- The handmade brick of Cuenca (Ecuador): an initial characterisation within the heritage framework
- The Egyptian coffin from the Archaeological Museum of Carmo: material and technical study
- Case study of a tile facade intervention – Aveiro, Portugal
- Conservar Património in 2022
- Sustainable urban regeneration: the role of cultural heritage in Cultural Ecosystem Services (CES)
- The Jesuit college of São Tiago de Elvas: construction, materials and actors
- Retouching the wall paintings of the Nossa Senhora da Piedade Hermitage, Loulé: technical choices
- Apiaí’s popular Brazilian ceramics: cultural heritage preservation through a technical approach
- Design and implementation of protocols for monitoring the condition of vast collections: the case of the treasure of the Spanish Civil War
- Application of pH sensors for preventive preservation in storerooms at the Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales (Madrid)
- Sequential approach of the re-using the historical military barrack in the Old Mardin Heritage in Turkey
- Analysis of the mudejar polychrome decoration of the Patio de las Doncellas. Interventions carried out throughout its history
- Care to value. Preservation strategies in the Art Market’s context
- Consolidation tests in archaeological wall painting: comparing treatments depending on the painting technique
- Lime paintings in treatises and construction technical manuals in Portugal from 1880 to 1931 – an historical review
- A survey of acrylic sheet in Portuguese art collections
- Unveiling Roland Oliveira’s photographic images: development of an unrolling and flattening treatment for silver gelatine 35 mm negative films
- Analytical characterization of academic nude paintings from the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Lisbon
- Archaeological glass conservation and restoration intervention materials – a literature review
- Photogrammetric documentation on archaeological and ethnographic collections of the Institute of Archaeology and Museum, Tucumán, Argentina
- Interventions taken on altarpieces throughout their history: a proposal of classification
- Technical approach and curative conservation and restoration processes of a papier machê giant: “La Turca” from the Corpus de Xàtiva
- 5th Portuguese-Brazilian Conference on Conservation and Restoration – an introductory note
- Application of light sources on photogrammetric models for the diagnosis and virtual restoration of objects in polychrome wax
- Monitoring pollutant gases in museum microclimates: a relevant preventive conservation strategy
- The scientific collection of ISEP Museum: Grenet and Leclanché cells
- Workshop-School of restoration of modern furniture
- Intervention in Mannerists wooden paintings representing Saint Sebastian and Saint Lucy, by Belchior de Matos, constituents of a diptych of the chapel of Geraldes, in Peniche
- Trajectory and exhibition of a time-based media work: "The drawing of the girl running away from her support" (2014), by Ana Vieira (1940-2016)
- The use of 3D printing in centenary doors of the “Espaço Comum Luiz Estrela”: contemporary interventions in integrated goods
- Challenges in the conservation and restoration of processional banners – a case study
- Conservar Património, a consolidation process
- Heritage and Management: the vanishing of the first rail network of Seville (Spain)
- Microbial diversity in the surroundings and selected parts of the imperial throne of D. Pedro II - characterization by classical microbiology and molecular biology, before and after restoration interventions
- Earth mortars stabilization: a review
- The Campo Pequeno Bullring in Lisbon’s Avenidas Novas
- Enlarged paintings: a proposal for classification
- Low toxicity solvent compositions for varnishes formulations for use in art conservation
- The relationship between design, object and memory: the Renato Russo exhibition
- Plastic toy soldiers, a lost battle? – an analytical perspective
- Defining the first preventive conservation guidelines for hand-painted magic lantern glass slides
- Transdisciplinarity of preservation: postgraduate programs associated with conservation and restoration in the Brazilian context
- Thoughts on the socialisation of preventive archaeological conservation in Spain
- 2020: heritage, the pandemic and the journal
- Non-invasive wood identification on parts of King Horemheb’s ritual couches (New kingdom)
- Archaeological chert artifacts from Atapuerca sites (Burgos, Spain): characterization, causes of decay and selection of compatible consolidating products
- Digital three-dimensional architectural survey of traditional Bulgarian houses – architectural BIM from point cloud survey data
- Portuguese archives and libraries: a century of preservation and conservation practices for the control of biodeterioration
- Clothed wax effigies: construction materials, challenges and suggestions for preventive conservation
- Wax resin lining techniques: Edson Motta’s training at the Fogg Conservation Center and its adaptation to the Brazilian reality
- Characterization of the wind and apparent temperature in the urban canyons of the historic center of Cuenca, Ecuador
- Meteorites as a scientific heritage
- Regeneration and conservation model of urban and cultural spaces as a capitalization strategy for unique districts. The case of Italy District, Chile
- Recent developments with a view to the future
- Materiality and typology of funerary heritage. The Cemetery of Jesus in Murcia, Spain
- Scenery painting in the 19th century in the context of tempera painting on canvas: methodology and materials
- Assessment of natural aging and ecological surface treatments in earth renders
- Considerations about foxing stains in three paper collections ranging from the 16th to the 20th century
- Places of memory in ruins and death’s patrimonialization in Santiago and Bogotá
- Digital Printing in Contemporary Art. A review for conservation decision-making
- Plastics that made history – the contribution of conservation science for the history of the Portuguese Plastics Industry
- Bioreceptivity of different painting systems to mould growth on “tabique” walls and plasterboards
- The question of material conservation in vernacular architecture: theory, authenticity and contradictions
- Ad futuram Regis memoriam. The conservative history of King Dinis’ tomb: myths and reality
- Book review: Virginia Costa, Modern Metals in Cultural Heritage, understanding and characterization, Getty Conservation Institute, Los Angeles, 2019, 136 p.
- II Colloquium "Investigations in Heritage Conservation”
- Study on alternative textiles to Tetex TR for use as reinforcement material in the restoration of paintings on canvas support: first results
- Sacrifical layers: an alternative for the conservation of the lime stuccos from Templo Mayor’s Structure B in Mexico City
- Analysis of digital images with DStretch as a support for the virtual restoration of an historical mural painting in San Cristóbal de La Laguna
- Chromatic changes in paintings of Adriano de Sousa Lopes after the removal of aged varnish
- Debitus grisailles for stained-glass conservation: an analytical study
- An Artist’s Sketchbook: the former altarpiece of Goa Cathedral (India) attributed to the painter Garcia Fernandes – iconographic and stylistic influences and underdrawing study
- Conservation of contemporary medals: packaging solutions
- Emulsion system without surfactant as an alternative to the use of a solvent gel
- Identification of the type of paint, acrylic or vinyl, in works of two contemporary painters, Manuel Vilarinho and Pedro Cabrita Reis, by ATR-FTIR
- Critical reflection on the implementation of preventive conservation plans in institutions
- Conservation intervention on an embroidery with beads on perforated cardboard: problems and solutions
- Removal of iron oxides from a sixteenth century ornamental fountain belonging to Quinta da Cardiga (Torres Novas, Portugal)
- Thinking inside the box: evaluation of polypropylene boxes for the storage of museum objects
- Model 1859 Portuguese army clothes backpack. Historical note, conservation and restoration treatment
- Off the radar so far: The conservation of scientific collections and heritage
- Displaying a taxidermy rhinoceros in a museum: the Lisbon conservation approach
- Reflections on the conservation challenges of scientific and technological objects
- Legacy of the scientific collections of the Instituto de Investigação Científica Tropical, University of Lisbon: a critical review and outlook
- The Valorization Program of the Cultural Heritage of Sebastião e Silva Secondary School, Oeiras
- New challenges for Conservar Património
- Packaging design for cultural objects: photogrammetry templates procedure
- Fungal stains on paper: is what you see what you get?
- Preparing the foundation for stable gilding: the origins of materials and practices – a review
- Going back to collections: a study case of the Florentino Ameghino collection housed in the Museo de La Plata (Argentina)
- What is the origin of the black film in the sculpture “Death of Cleopatra”?
- The ground-penetrating radar (GPR) method in the characterization of the Monastery of Batalha
- A fragment in each institution: the dispersion of Dita Acatauassu Marajoara Archaelogical Collection (Amazonia, Brazil)
- Textile heritage and interdisciplinarity
- Reconsidering dragon carpet origins
- Turkey red prints: identification of lead chromate, Prussian blue and logwood on Turkey red calico
- A challenging treatment of an 18th century embroidered textile using gel cleaning in combination with decamethylcyclopentasiloxane (D5) silicone solvent barriers
- The Royal House of Isabel I of Castile (1492-1504): use of silk, wool and linen according to the accounts of Gonzalo de Baeza
- Oriental patterns in Andalusi textile ornamentation – 13th-15th centuries
- The kimono in New Spain: a local manifestation of a global fashion in the 17th and 18th centuries
- Characterizing historical textiles and clothing with proteomics
- Material analysis versus historical dye recipes: ingredients found in black dyed wool from five Belgian archives (1650-1850)
- Knitting comes of age: the development of a scientific approach to the study of knitwork
- GMS – Gammadiae Management System: cataloguing and interpretation project of the socalled gammadiae starting from the iconographic evidences in the Roman catacombs
- Textile treasures in the reliquary chest of Princess Santa Joana
- Originality and authenticity of textiles artefacts in house-museums
- A stumpwork mirror in the collection of the Medeiros e Almeida House-Museum – descriptive and iconographical analyses
- Embroidered vestments: findings in the Terceira Island (Azores)
- An archaeological textile from the Monastery of Pombeiro: between conservation and perception
- Preliminary investigation of the materials and techniques used in a decorated wooden stick of king Tutankhamun
- Microclimate frame for paintings on canvas exposed to extreme fluctuations in relative humidity
- Towards the incorporation of a raised walkway at the Royal Alcázar of Seville: status and execution of the works
- Parametric approach for prior knowledge-base 3D reconstruction
- Digitization and 3D printing for the reconstruction of volumetric losses in an anatomical wax model of the 18th century
- The Virgin with the Sleeping Child Jesus: study of two overlapping images
- The importance of long-term hygrothermal assessment of museum spaces: method and application in a permanent exhibition in a historical building
- Artistic Heritage of Palácio das Artes: a study of the costume’s preservation process of the shows produced by the Clóvis Salgado Foundation
- Proposals for data organization and visualization to improve the management and the understanding of complex works
- The material culture of the customs laboratory of Lisbon
- New changes of a journal in transformation
- Identification of materials used in a wooden coffin lid covered with composite layers dating back to the Ptolemaic period in Egypt
- Chemical, physical and mineralogical characterisation of the Hispano- Moresque tile collection from Lisbon Roman Theatre Museum
- Technological and compositional study of the gold leaf from Baroque altarpieces – basis for a research methodology
- The safeguarding and preservation of the Built Heritage in old urban centres: a reflection on traditional stone masonry buildings' structural rehabilitation
- Insect damage in historic buildings of Colônia Murici - Southern Brazil,
- Laces: a case study of preservation of the UFRGS Fashion and Textile Museum collection
- I Colloquium "Investigations in Conservation of Heritage" DOI: 14568/cp27fm2
- Materializing the intangible: the documentation of Luís Vaz 73 (1975), by Jorge Peixinho and Ernesto de Sousa DOI: 14568/cp2016042
- Painting on copper: research on the materials and techniques used on ground layer according to historical treatises and analytical study of two paintings attributed to the Portuguese and Flemish schools DOI: 14568/cp2016040
- Preparing the image: ground layers in Portuguese painting of 15th and 16th centuries - engraving and preparation DOI: 14568/cp2016032
- Characterisation of 17th-18th centuries damask and gilt leathers by ATR-FTIR DOI: 14568/cp2017003
- Imitated textiles in fresco painting of the 15th and 16th centuries in the North of Portugal - study of a pattern DOI: 14568/cp2016044
- Risk analysis applied to the storage rooms of the Museu de Lisboa DOI: 14568/cp2016045
- Methodological study about the chromatic reintegration of a set of tile panels DOI: 14568/cp2017004
- A graphical documentation methodology for a contemporary artwork: Julio Resende's garden bench of the Parnaso building in Oporto DOI: 14568/cp2017006
- An integrated safeguard project: preservation and communication strategies of altarpieces integrated in hermitages DOI: 14568/cp2016041
- Achievements of the journal in 2017, DOI: 14568/cp26fm2
- In situ evaluation of the behaviour of earth-based mortar renders with low additions of limes DOI: 14568/cp2016022
- The reorganization of Pombal's Physics Museum of the University of Coimbra by Mário Augusto da Silva DOI: 14568/cp2017007
- On the recipe for a varnish used by El Greco DOI: 14568/cp2016023
- Scientific investigation by technical photography, OM, ESEM, XRF, XRD and FTIR of an ancient Egyptian polychrome wooden coffin DOI: 14568/cp2017008
- Guidelines to handling the heritage management of the Salinas Grandes, province of La Pampa, Argentina DOI: 14568/cp2017010
- The church of the Benedictine convent of Our Lady of Estrela in Lisbon: foundation, destruction and repair/reinvention of a heritage DOI: 14568/cp2017009
- What is the meaning of some of the marks incised in the back of Old panel paintings? DOI: 14568/cp2017014
- Comment on the editorial "On the importance of publishing in Heritage conservation DOI: 14568/cp2017040
- On the importance of publishing in Heritage conservation DOI: 14568/cp25fm2
- Cultural Heritage: Disaster Prevention, Response and Recovery DOI: 14568/cp25fm3
- Conservation-Restoration paradigm shift after disaster: the Graphic Documents case study DOI: 14568/cp2016034
- Simplified risk assessment of immovable cultural heritage assets DOI: 14568/cp2016030
- Two historical disasters: the Great Fire of London and the 1755 Lisbon Earthquake - repercussions in the Artistic Heritage and attitudes of rehabilitation DOI: 14568/cp2016047
- The José de Figueiredo Institute role on the recovery of paintings from the Gulbenkian collection after the 1967 flood at the Pombal Palace, in Oeiras DOI: 14568/cp2016024
- Possible routes for Conservation and Restoration in the risk management of Built Heritage: public-private partnerships within R&D projects (Project STORM) DOI: 14568/cp2017005
- The journal "Conservar Património" in an international publishing environment – about the indexing in the "Scopus" database DOI: 14568/cp24fm2
- Preventive conservation and management: contribution to a new integrated model, based on the case study of National Archive Torre do Tombo, Portugal DOI: 14568/cp2015004
- Applied microbiology: a tool for the conservation of Cultural Heritage DOI: 14568/cp2015007
- Transmittance spectroscopy and transmitted multispectral imaging to map covered paints DOI: 14568/cp2015021
- Between tradition and technological innovation: challenges to lime Heritage conservation DOI: 14568/cp2016005
- Study of environmental conditions in the repositories of the National Archive of the Republic of Cuba DOI: 14568/cp2015019
- Virtual historical reconstitution of the main altarpiece of the Espírito Santo Church, in Évora: application of web-based infographics to Cultural Heritage DOI: 14568/cp2015034
- The formation of movable cultural property conservators-restorer in Brazil: memories and historical trajectory DOI: 14568/cp2015028
- 3rd Portuguese-Brazilian Conference on Conservation and Restoration – thinking Conservation in its multiple aspects DOI: 14568/cp23fm2
- A systematization of glaze spalling in azulejos DOI: 14568/cp2015043
- Historical issues: the basis of Conservation Science and Conservator-Restorer training DOI: 14568/cp2015048
- Bright lights: disclosures from the optical, spectroscopic and chromatographic characterization of a 19th century Portuguese sedan chair DOI: 14568/cp2016001
- Chinese Opera in storage: packing costumes and accessories (case study) DOI: 14568/cp2015045
- In-situ survey of decaying azulejos panels and the presence of salts DOI: 14568/cp2015040
- A theoretical approach to the restoration of azulejos by re-firing DOI: 14568/cp2015044
- Diagnosis of two textile pieces from Santarém Diocesan Museum: a multi-analytical approach DOI: 14568/cp2015023
- Development of new approaches for the detection of yeast and bacteria thriving in mortars DOI: 14568/cp2015047
- The theatre of ethics and memory: intervention problems in the "Triptych of Life of Christ", belonging to the church of Saint John, the Baptist, Tomar, attributed to the workshop of Quentin Metsys DOI: 14568/cp2015025
- The Alexeïeff Collection in the Archives Françaises du Film: assessment methodology for a preventive conservation plan DOI: 14568/cp2015038
- The Conservation and Restoration courses and the problems of curricular articulation: the case of the Polytechnic Institute of Tomar DOI: 14568/cp2015026
- Preliminary studies of consolidation of wall paintings: synthesis and characterisation of nanolime DOI: 14568/cp2015046
- Cultural Heritage and its survival: image, memory, archetype DOI: 14568/cp2015020
- Biodeterioration of easel paintings: development of new mitigation strategies DOI: 14568/cp2015032
- Conserving after the catastrophe. The case study of burnt documents of the Bocage Museum Historical Archive DOI: 14568/cp2015035
- Preventive conservation applied to "Casa dos Patudos" oil painting collection DOI: 14568/cp2015022
- Methodological process for chromatic reading of traditional architectural elements DOI: 14568/cp2015030
- Lime kilns in Beja and associated activities: Beyond materials in the conservation of Cultural Heritage DOI: 14568/cp2015042
- Foreword GILT-EnArt 2015 - Gilding Materials and Techniques in European Art DOI: 14568/cp22fm2
- Gilding and painting: the artistic polyvalence of the gilders masters in Lisbon during the age of the baroque DOI: 14568/cp2015017
- Typical conservation problems of polychrome wooden sculptures in Slovenia DOI: 14568/cp2015009
- All that glitters is not gold: silver leaf gilding, another means to an end DOI: 14568/cp2015014
- Gilding materials and techniques - comparison between altarpieces and their sculptures: a case study DOI: 14568/cp2015011
- Gold and not so real gold in Medieval treatises DOI: 14568/cp2015018
- Gilders and painters-gilders in the Golden Age of Évora DOI: 14568/cp2015016
- Painting with gold: gilders in Northern Alentejo in the 17th and 18th centuries DOI: 14568/cp2015015
- The morphology of old urban centres: architectural and constructive survey of Bairro Ribeirinho of Faro, Portugal DOI: 14568/cp2015002
- Multispectral imaging system using 12 interference filters for mapping pigments DOI: 14568/cp2015005
- The conservation-restoration profession/discipline: a recent science and its development in Portugal DOI: 14568/cp2014004
- Practical notes on ultraviolet technical photography for art examination DOI: 14568/cp2015006
- Editorial DOI: 14568/cp20fm2
- Colorimetric evaluation of three adhesives used in the consolidation of contemporary matte paint after artificial ageing DOI: 14568/cp2014002
- Technical photography for mural paintings: the newly discovered frescoes in Aci Sant'Antonio (Sicily, Italy) DOI: 14568/cp2015001
- Application of energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometry to polychrome terracotta sculptures from the Alcobaça Monastery, Portugal DOI: 14568/cp2014008
- Chemical and mineralogical patterns, and luminescence dating of miniature terracotta high-reliefs DOI: 14568/cp2014009
- Technical study of an eighteenth century clay Nativity scene DOI: 14568/cp2014011
- Colorimetric measurements as control elements in wood conservation status DOI: 14568/cp2014014
- The pulpits of the Church of Our Lady of Pena in Lisbon: an historical, stylistic and technical study DOI: 14568/cp2013009
- Study of 59 paper fragments found on a 17th Century base of an ivory altar cross DOI: 14568/cp2014003
- Conservation of documental collections: implementation of a risk management model in archives based on the case study of Portuguese National Archive Torre do Tombo DOI: 14568/cp2014006
- Prehistory neglected: the hillfort of Souane (Cisterna, Vinhais, Portugal) and the patrimonial indolence DOI: 14568/cp2014007
- Editorial DOI: 14568/cp18fm2
- The "Promotion of Tropical Knowledge" program at the Instituto de Investigação Científica Tropical: look into the past with future prospects DOI: 14568/cp2013005
- Strategies and inspection processes for the assessment and diagnosis of built heritage DOI: 14568/cp2013007
- Nineteenth century recipes for conservation of prints: "Restauração de quadros e gravuras", by Manuel de Macedo DOI: 14568/cp2013002
- Restoration of the cathedral of Brasilia: challenges and conflicts of restoration of modern architecture DOI: 14568/cp2013004
- Terminology associated with the conservation and restoration of painting DOI: 14568/cp2013010
- Opening remarks DOI: 14568/cp17fm2
- Editorial DOI: 14568/cp17fm3
- Microbiological diversity in the Unfinished Sacristy building of the Convent of Christ, Tomar, and evaluation of its biocide-based control DOI: 14568/cp2012005
- Architectonic and constructive characterisation of the old urban centre of Seixal, Portugal DOI: 14568/cp2012008
- The main altarpiece of Our Lady of the Elms church in Torre de Juan Abad, Spain: technical study and condition state DOI: 14568/cp2012007
- The imperial coach of D. Pedro II: DNA fungal identification in selected materials and its relation to biodeterioration and aerobiology DOI: 14568/cp2013003
- The altarpiece of the Transit of the Soul of Saint Bernard of the Real Monastery of Saint Mary of Alcobaça: history, execution and conservation DOI: 14568/cp15-16_1
- The restoration works of a captain in 1894 – The portraits of the viceroys of India (Archaeological Museum of Goa) and the artistic side of Gomes da Costa DOI: 14568/cp15-16_2
- Aspects of the civil architecture of the nineteenth century in São Luís do Maranhão, Brazil DOI: 14568/cp15-16_3
- Mounting of a group of Chinese scrolls from the Camilo Pessanha collection: an alternative solution DOI: 14568/cp13-14_1
- The displacement of archaeological structures in Spain. Relocate to preserve, preserve to present DOI: 14568/cp13-14_2
- Study on application methods of three adhesives used in the consolidation of contemporary paintings DOI: 14568/cp13-14_3
- Conservation of a group of Chinese paintings and calligraphies from the Camilo Pessanha collection: an example of a "less oriental" approach DOI: 14568/cp13-14_4
- Study and treatment of the painting "Gauguin (o casamento)", by Álvaro Lapa: cleaning problems found in contemporary paintings DOI: 14568/cp13-14_5
- Interdisciplinary study of the panel painting depicting the "Pentecostes", attributed to Fernão Gomes DOI: 14568/cp12_1
- Conservation and restoration of the panel "Saint Sebastian calling on the faith of the Christian captive brothers Marcus and Marcellianus" from the Museum of Angra do Heroísmo, Terceira Island, Azores DOI: 14568/cp12_2
- Heritage Conservation: Strategic planning and opportunities. A reflexion based on the portuguese situation DOI: 14568/cp12_3
- The Law n. 140/2009 as instrument for the safeguard of cultural heritage and the recognition of the role of the conservator-restorer in Portugal DOI: 14568/cp12_4
- A Blue Schield to safeguard cultural heritage at risk DOI: 14568/cp12_5
- Characterization of lacunae density in pictorial surfaces using GIS software DOI: 14568/cp11_1
- The first radiographs of works of art in Portugal and the relationship between radiography, conservation and politics DOI: 14568/cp11_2
- About authenticity of a finding: The case study of the "rock engraving" from Pedrógão Beach, Leiria, Portugal DOI: 14568/cp11_3
- Evolution of the constructive adobe system in the Porcelain Industrial Unit of Vista Alegre (1937-1945) DOI: 14568/cp11_4
- Assessment and Risk Management: Reflections on new conservative logic and role in the management models of organizations DOI: 14568/cp11_5
- Editorial DOI: 14568/cp10_1
- "Largo de São Mamede" and "Rua de Alconchel" Fountains, in Évora: methodological notes on their recovery and the unveiling, conservation and restoration of mural painting DOI: 14568/cp10_2
- Colored limewash paintings in Alentejo (part 1): Pigments' identification and stratigraphic analysis (in 2004-2006) DOI: 14568/cp10_3
- Interpreting chemistry and technology of lime binders and implementing it in the conservation field DOI: 14568/cp10-4
- Pictorial layers in contemporary art: stabilization of an artwork made of chocolate and metal DOI: 14568/cp10_5
- The conservation of the natural and cultural heritage ahead the climatic changes DOI: 14568/cp10_6
- Editorial Colour 2008 - Bridging Science with Art DOI: 14568/cp9_1
- Alteration of azurite into paratacamite at the St. Alessandro Church (Lasnigo, Italy) DOI: 14568/cp9_2
- Sgraffito and colour in Alentejo DOI: 14568/cp9_3
- Microbial biodeterioration diagnosis of the 16th century frescoes from the Casa de Fresco de Sanches Baena (Vila Viçosa, Portugal) DOI: 14568/cp9_4
- Earth colours finishes in earthen architecture DOI: 14568/cp9_5
- The colours of a 16th century panel painting, from the church of Pavia (Mora, Portugal), attributed to Francisco João DOI: 14568/cp9_6
- Study of the red lacquer from a pair of Namban stirrups by Py-GC/MS DOI: 14568/cp9_7
- Restoration of mobile heritage in Évora in the context of XVIth century: the Panos de Armar of D. Mariana de Castro DOI: 14568/cp9_8
- Portugal in international organizations of Heritage Conservation DOI: 14568/cp9_9
- Editorial HMC 08 - Historical Mortars Conference DOI: 14568/cp8_1
- Earth mortars use on neolithic domestic structures. Some case studies in Alentejo, Portugal DOI: 14568/cp8_2
- Conservation of old renderings - the consolidation of rendering with loss of cohesion DOI: 14568/cp8_3
- Earth mortars and earth-lime renders DOI: 14568/cp8_4
- From Vitruvius' ceramic powder additives to modern restoration DOI: 14568/cp8_5
- Conservation of the historical render in the Church of Nossa Senhora da Assunção in Elvas DOI: 14568/cp8_6
- Application and properties of pure lime façades - case study DOI: 14568/cp8_7
- Evaluation of compatible mortars to repair 19th century natural cement cast stone from the French Rhône-Alpes region DOI: 14568/cp8_8
- Specification and time required for the application of a lime-based render inside historic buildings DOI: 14568/cp8_9
- Editorial HMC 08 - Historical Mortars Conference DOI: 14568/cp7_1
- Natural cement and stone restoration of Bourges Cathedral (France) DOI: 14568/cp7_2
- Development of lime based mortars for repairing glazed tile coatings of historic buildings in the city of Ovar, Portugal DOI: 14568/cp7_3
- Study of materials and technology of ancient floor mosaics' substrate DOI: 14568/cp7_4
- Reconstruction of the Chalet of the Countess of Edla: preliminary evaluation of the effects of fire in the architectural surfaces DOI: 14568/cp7_5
- Methodology for diagnosis of rendering anomalies due to moisture in walls 14568/cp7_6
- Cause of decay and intervention on external mortars of the S. Vittore Church - Stresa (Italy) DOI: 14568/cp7_7
- Materials Considerations Regarding Rain Penetration in Historic Fired Clay Brick Masonry DOI: 14568/cp7_8
- Supercritical carbon dioxide: the art of technology in art conservation DOI: 14568/cp6_1
- Documenting for a better conservation: The use of consolidants and water repellents in conservation interventions of stone Portuguese monuments DOI: 14568/cp6_2
- The materials and techniques used in a baroque sculpture representing Saint Dominic from the Museum of Santa Maria de Lamas DOI: 14568/cp6_3
- Pollutant materials and pollution control at Cupertino de Miranda Foundation DOI: 14568/cp6_4
- Pigments and dyes of the works of art in Portugal, in the beginning of the 17th century, according to the Filipe Nunes' treatise on painting DOI: 14568/cp6_5
- ICOM-CC 15th Triennial Conference DOI: 14568/cp6_6
- Terminology to characterize the conservation of tangible cultural heritage. Resolution approved by the ICOM-CC membership on the occasion of the 15th Triennial Conference, New Delhi, 22-26 September 2008 DOI: 14568/cp6_7
- Erratum DOI: 14568/cp6bm1
- Introduction Luciano Freire DOI: 14568/cp5fm1
- The works of Luciano Freire by himself: Introductory note to the edition of one report by a painting restorer of the beginning of the 20th century DOI: 14568/cp5_2
- "Elementos para um relatório acerca do tratamento da pintura antiga em Portugal segundo notas tomadas no período da execução desses trabalhos" DOI: 14568/cp5_3
- In search for the original image: Luciano Freire and the theory and practice of painting restoration in Portugal circa 1900 DOI: 14568/cp5_4
- The housing conditions and the materials of a collection of pastels from José Malhoa and their implication on its conservation condition DOI: 14568/cp3-4_1
- Arising, developing and disappearing of the rammed earth technique in Brasil DOI: 14568/cp3-4_2
- Solvent reactivation of adhesives in textile conservation: survey and comparison with heat reactivation DOI: 14568/cp3-4_3
- Natural dyestuffs from Antiquity to modern days DOI: 14568/cp3-4_4
- Renovation, overpainting, inpainting: strategies of the painter-restorer in Portugal, from the 16th to 19th century. Ideological reasons for the iconoclast and the iconofylic practices, or the concept of «utilitarian restoration» versus «scientific restoration» DOI: 14568/cp3-4_5
- About the use and disuse of some terms related to the materials constituents of works of art DOI: 14568/cp3-4_6
- On the interest and actuality of the university museums of Earth Sciences: the cases of Bensaúde and Décio Thadeu Museums of Instituto Superior Técnico DOI: 14568/cp3-4_7
- Innovative tools for environmental and damage evaluation of objects in museums. Balance of the COST Action G8 Training School that took place in Malta DOI: 14568/cp3-4_8
- Emergency planning – IFLA DISASTER. Preparedness and Planning DOI: 14568/cp3-4_9
- La Conservation en trois Dimensions: Plan d'Urgence, Expositions, Numérisation, Paris, 8-10 March 2006 DOI: 14568/cp3-4_10
- Oils, paintings and chemistry DOI: 14568/cp2_1
- Microbial deterioration of gelatine emulsion photographs: isolation of contaminant microorganisms from three collections DOI: 14568/cp2_2
- The method for the treatment of pastels of the Instituto Português de Conservação e Restauro DOI: 14568/cp2_3
- Changing images: the panels of Saint Mary church, at Tavira, founded at the chapel of Saint Peter, and the problems raised by its restoration and scientific study DOI: 14568/cp2_4
- Notes on the characterization of the porous structure of materials
DOI: 14568/cp2_5 - Reflection on the needs of the higher education of Conservation and Restoration in Portugal DOI: 14568/cp2_6
- Course "Science in the Conservation of Archival Collections" ICCROM, Rio de Janeiro, 11-29 July 2005 DOI: 14568/cp2_7
- Introduction to a journal DOI: 14568/cp1_1
- Columbano's painting accordingly to its paintboxes DOI: 14568/cp1_2
- Characterisation of mortars from the monumental complex of Viana do Alentejo castle DOI: 14568/cp1_3
- Natural resins DOI: 14568/cp1_4
- Ultrasonic misting in the treatment of works of art on paper DOI: 14568/cp1_5
- Study and treatment of a chasuble from the Museu Nacional de Arte Antiga DOI: 14568/cp1_6
- Photographic Materials Conservation Group Meeting, 25 March 2004 DOI: 14568/cp1_7
- Conference on Preservation and conservation issues related to digital printing and digital photography, 23-27 March 2003 DOI: 14568/cp1_8