For reviewers

Download Guide for reviewers in PDF

Download Review form (EN)

NOTE: we are moving to an Editorial Manager review system (online).


Ethical guidelines

Conservar Património is a single blind peer reviewed journal. Reviewers remain anonymous unless they choose to identify themselves by signing their name to their review (optional open peer review).

Manuscript reviewers should be objective in their judgements and withdraw themselves from reviewing should there be any conflict of interests between Reviewer and Authors or respective research or funding entities.

Reviewers should alert the Editors to any published or submitted work essentially corresponding to the content under review.

Reviewers should maintain confidentiality in all aspects related to manuscripts, including information about the Authors.

Review form

Manuscript evaluations should be reported on the following (interactive) form, which, as indicated therein, may be supplemented with another document.

Review form (English)

Review form (Spanish)

N.B.: At the moment we are moving to an Editorial Manager review (online). For remaining cases there is no automatic submission system for the form; therefore, once filled, the form and, if applicable, any supplementary document must be sent by e-mail to the journal Editor.

Mac computer users: Due to a long-known bug, the form should not be filled with the Preview application or if it is used the document must be exported.


For the public acknowledgment of their work, Conservar Património encourages Reviewers to register on the Publons platform and log their respective reviews (which remain unidentified, thus keeping their anonymity).

Page of the journal on Publons platform:

Types of section publication

The journal has different section headings according to the content nature and breadth of the submitted papers. The available sections are listed below:

  • Articles, for the main contributions. The papers may present conservation treatments done with the support of other fields of knowledge, heritage studies not directly connected to conservation-restoration interventions, or reviews about subjects related to materials, techniques, history and intervention methodologies;
  • Interventions, for contributions reporting on conservation interventions without the support of laboratory studies or others;
  • Notes, for contributions similar to those included in articles and interventions, but smaller in size;
  • News, for the presentation, more or less detailed, of projects and ongoing investigations;
  • Opinions, for personal but relevant opinions on different conservation aspects and for reports on relevant occurrences or reviews of published materials. Letters and comments about published contributions are also included here.