For authors

Download Guide for authors in PDF

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Download statement of Figures

NEW! Online submission

The journal is open for general submissions year-round. Open calls in special issues occur periodically.

NOTE: the style in the link bellow does not work in the most recent version of Mendeley


Recommendation for the Length of an article
Main text: Limit to 5,000 words (excluding abstract and references)
Abstract: Limit to 150 words
References: Limit to 50
Tables & Figures: Limit to 10
Review articles can be larger and note articles smaller.


Ethical guidelines

The papers submitted for publication must be original, i.e. they should not have been previously published, nor submitted or pending publication elsewhere. Any other situation should be signalled and duly referenced by the authors and will be analysed by the Editors on a case-by-case basis, with the ultimate goal of ensuring transparency and safeguarding the originality of the paper. Failure to comply with these principles constitutes grounds to reject a manuscript.

It is assumed that the contributions submitted for publication were actually authored by the designated Authors; that they constitute accounts of the Authors’ work and research; and that they do not pose any falsification or plagiarism problems – considered inadmissible by this Journal.

It is furthermore assumed that all the Authors listed in a submitted paper made a relevant contribution to the reported research and agree with the submitted manuscript.

Authors should clearly declare any conflicts of interest. Submitted contributions that, directly or indirectly, had the economic support of third parties, should clearly state these sources of funding.

It is assumed that all the data provided by the Authors is real and authentic, and is furthermore appropriately recorded and reported, should there be a reasonable need for verification. Authors should immediately notify the Journal should they identify a mistake in a published article and be willing to publish a retraction.


Types of collaboration

The journal has different section headings according to the content nature and breadth of the submitted papers. The available sections are listed below:

  • Articles, for the main contributions. The papers may present conservation treatments done with the support of other fields of knowledge, heritage studies not directly connected to conservation-restoration interventions, or reviews about subjects related to materials, techniques, history and intervention methodologies;
  • Interventions, for contributions reporting on conservation interventions without the support of laboratory studies or others;
  • Notes, for contributions similar to those included in articles and interventions, but smaller in size;
  • News, for the presentation, more or less detailed, of projects and ongoing investigations;
  • Opinions, for personal but relevant opinions on different conservation aspects and for reports on relevant occurrences or reviews of published materials. Letters and comments about published contributions are also included here.




The Portuguese and English languages are privileged, but other languages may be accepted for publishing, namely Spanish, French or Italian. While the Editors will continue to use the European Portuguese spelling prior to the 1990 Orthographic Agreement, collaborations in other spellings will be accepted, such as the variant spelling of the Orthographic Agreement or the Brazilian variant. In such cases, however, there must be consistence throughout the texts; the same holds true for other languages with spelling variants.

The papers destined to the ArticlesInterventions and Notes sections must contain a Portuguese and an English title and abstract and, if written in another language, must also incorporate the title and abstract in that language.

Text organization

All papers except those destined to the Opinions section must obey the following structure: Title written in the original language, as well as in Portuguese and English, Authors’ names and affiliation, respective contacts, abstract, keywords, text, acknowledgements, references, tables and figures. The texts destined to the Opinions section shall have the title written in the original language, as well as in Portuguese and English.

The abstracts must not surpass 150 words and must function as a separate text without referring to the main text. The abstracts should be written in Portuguese, English and in the original language if different from the former two. A maximum of six keywords should also be presented in Portuguese, English and the original language. The keywords should help to frame the text in its general context and should complement the words in the title without repetition.

In the case of foreign Authors, the Portuguese versions of the title, the abstract and the keywords are optional. If necessary, the Editors will translate from the English versions.

The texts should be divided in sections and subsections in accordance with their content.

The orthographic and grammatical review should be done carefully. Footnotes are not allowed and reference marks should be numbered between straight brackets.

Tables and figures may be used, and should be thus designated — and not as images, photos, photographs, illustrations, schemes or other. All tables and figures must be referenced in the text by their respective numbers. They should be placed at the end of the text, each with its respective legend, on separate sheets. The Authors must gain the necessary permission to use the figures or other copyright materials. The use of materials that are not self-authored implicitly asserts that the Author gained the necessary permissions.

References should be listed at the end of the text, numbered in accordance with the text citations and in the style presented here.


In addition to the figures inserted along the Word document or at is end (with sufficient resolution for the evaluation of the manuscript), the figures should be sent as an individual graphic files (tiff, jpeg, psd, pdf or other) with resolution appropriate for publication. The name of each file should be the respective figure number. When the figure is composed of different parts (a, b, c, etc.), each part should correspond to a different file. The graphic files should have an appropriate resolution (normally 300 dpi).

When the figures are constructed images or schemes, they should be made by the Author and sent as one individual graphic file. Word constructed images are not adequate. When designing graphics and schemes, care should be taken to use colours and symbols coherently. Arial or similar is suggested as the font to be used in those figures.

Data availability Statement

Authors who wish to publish data availability statements can do so by adding a statement after Acknowledgments section and before the References section. Provide a heading “Data availability statement” with a formatting similar to acknowledgments. The statement can be very simple, e.g. The datasets generated during the current study are available in the [NAME] repository, [PERSISTENT WEB LINK TO DATASETS].



The list of references (cited references only) at the end of the paper should follow the citation sequence of the text. As a template, the consultation of papers formerly published by the journal is suggested.

All cited works with a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) must include the latter at the end of the respective bibliographic reference listing.

Note: Using a citations software (eg. Mendeley, EndNote, Zotero) is highly recommended to prevent entry duplications, omissions or misplacements. If you have Mendeley installed on your computer you can open your Style Library on Mendeley Desktop and open the second tab (‘Get More Styles’). In the ‘Download Style’ field paste the following URL and press the ‘Download’ button.

For the most common situations, the reference format is as follows:



  • Author Surname, First Names Initials; Author Surname, First Names Initials, Title in Italics and Uppercase, vol. [if there is more than one volume], edition [if not the first], Publisher, Place of publication (year of publication), doi or url (accessed date in year-month-day format – in the case of a non-stable url).


  • Bomford, D.; Dunkerton, J.; Gordon, D.; Roy, A., Art in the Making. Italian Painting Before 1400, National Gallery, London (1989).
  • Douglas, J., Building Surveys and Reports, 4th ed., Wiley-Blackwell, Chichester (2011),
  • Berrie, B. H. (ed.), Artists’ Pigments. A Handbook of their History and Characteristics, vol. 4, National Gallery of Art – Archetype Publications, Washington – London (2007).
  • Deneffe, D.; Fransen, B.; Henderiks, V.; Mund, H., Early Netherlandish Painting. A Bibliography. 1999-2009, Centre d’Étude des Primitifs Flamands (2011), (accessed 2013-06-17).

Chapter in a book or paper in conference proceedings


  • Author Surname, First Names Initials, ‘Title of chapter or paper in lowercase’, in Book or Proceedings Title in Italics and Uppercase, ed. First Names Initials and Surname of editor of publication, vol. [if there is more than one volume], edition [if not the first], Publisher, Place of publication (year of publication) first page-last page, doi or url (accessed date in year-month-day format – in the case of a non-stable url).


  • McManus, N. C.; Townsend, J. H., ‘Watercolour methods, and materials use in context’, in William Blake. The Painter at Work, ed. J.H. Townsend, Tate Publishing, London (2003) 61-79.
  • Chastang, Y., ‘The conservation of two pietre dure and gilt-bronze-mounted cabinets made by Domenico Cucci for Louis XIV’, in The Decorative: Conservation and the Applied Arts, ed. S. Cather, A. Nevin, J. H. Townsend, M. Spring, J. K. Atkinson & D. Eastop, IIC, London (2012) 73-79,

Paper in a journal


  • Author Surname, First Names Initials, ‘Paper title in lowercase’, Journal in Italics and Uppercase volume in bold(issue) (year of publication) first page-last page, doi or url (accessed date in year-month-day format – in the case of a non-stable url).


  • Carr, D. J.; Young, C. R. T.; Phenix, A.; Hibberd, R. D., ‘Development of a physical model of a typical nineteenth-century English canvas painting’, Studies in Conservation 48(3) (2003) 145-154,
  • Cultrone, G.; Madkour, F., ‘Evaluation of the effectiveness of treatment products in improving the quality of ceramics used in new and historical buildings’, Journal of Cultural Heritage 14(4) (2013) 304-310,
  • Le Gac, A.; Seruya, A. I.; Lefftz, M.; Alarcão, A., ‘The main altarpiece of the Old Cathedral of Coimbra (Portugal): Characterization of gold alloys used for gilding from 1500 to 1900’, ArcheoSciences 33 (2009) 423-432,

Internet (documents with content that can be changed)


  • Author Surname, First Names Initials, ‘Document title in lowercase’ (documents’ date), in Site Name in Italics and Uppercase, Institution, url (accessed date in year-month-day format).


  • ‘Azurite’, in Cameo, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, (accessed 2013-06-17).
  • Tracing Bosch and Bruegel: Four Paintings Magnified, (accessed 2013-06-17).

Unpublished material


  • Author Surname, First Names Initials, ‘Title in lowercase’, type of document, Institution or other issuing body, Local, accession number (year).


  • Varley, A. J., ‘Statistical image analysis methods for line detection’, PhD dissertation, University of Cambridge, Cambridge (1999).
  • Holanda, F., ‘Do tirar pelo natural’, manuscript, Academia das Ciências de Lisboa, Lisboa, Ms. Azul 650 (1790).
  • ‘Folhas da obra da Igreja e o mais que ficou arruinado por cauza do terramoto que houve em dia de todos-os-santos do ano de 1755’, manuscript, Arquivo Histórico da Misericórdia, Almada, Maço 6, no. 15, L.º 25–A (1757).


Statement about the figures

If there are third-party figures, a statement must be signed that declares there are no problems related to its use:

  • Statement template for manuscript with a single author: docx.
  • Statement template for manuscript with multiple authors: docx.



The journal and papers are published under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License which may be consulted in

Authors are free to make the pdf files of their own articles available as deemed necessary. Therefore, the journal allows self-archiving of the published version without any restriction.

The Authors are free to use all or part of their content (text and figures) in other publications, including edits and adaptations; nevertheless, the original publication in Conservar Patrimónioshould always be referenced.

The Authors authorize ARP to freely republish their articles in any further publications it may promote (e.g. a collection of selected papers), regardless of any change in medium or in graphic layout.


Submission checklist


  • The manuscript was reviewed carefully (form and content)
  • Submitted version has been approved by all authors
  • Is original, is not waiting for publication and has not been submitted elsewhere
  • Meets the ethical principles set out in authors guidelines

Text file

  • Follows the  template
  • Is in doc or docx format
  • Does not include footnotes or endnotes

Title, abstract and keywords

  • The manuscript has title, abstract and keywords in the language of the document
  • The manuscript has title, abstract and keywords in English
  • The manuscript has title, abstract and keywords in Portuguese language (except in the case of non-speaking Portuguese authors)
  • The abstract does not exceed about 150 words
  • A maximum of 6 keywords are indicated


  • The manuscript has the affiliation of all authors
  • Authors with ORCID indicate their ORCID number
  • A corresponding author has been indicated


  • Abbreviations are defined at their first mention in text (non-standard or uncommon abbreviations should be avoided in abstract)
  • Acknowledgments are at a separate section at the end of manuscript before the references list


  • Are identified by numeric system
  • Are listed at the end of manuscript according to the formatting standards listed in authors guidelines
  • All references mentioned in the Reference List are cited in the text, and vice versa


  • Figures are all referenced in the text
  • Captions are with figures or at the end of the manuscript
  • Figures are in jpg, tif or psd format with file name indicating the Figure number
  • Figures are, at least, about 1000 pixels wide (original resolution, without magnification)
  • If any third-party figures are used the authors obtained the necessary permission and signed the document available here


  • Are all referenced in the text
  • Are along the text or at separate page(s) the end of the document doc or docx
  • Have title
  • They are presented in text form



The submission of a manuscript supposes that the respective Authors accept the ethical principles.

Submitting a manuscript supposes that the essential part of that text is not published nor is it under consideration in any other journal or publication. The only exceptions to this rule are: theses; reports circulated solely within the institution in which they were developed; documentation provided only to attendants of conferences or other meetings - which do not question this principle.

Manuscripts should be submitted as Microsoft Word files using this template document. The figures should be submitted as separate graphic files, as previously specified.

Collaborations are submitted online. Sign in to the Editorial Manager and in your profile make sure you check yourself with Author role (by default you will only be checked as reader). Then click New Submission. Submission includes the word manuscript and original figure files (and third-party figures statement when necessary). In the Comments to the Editor it has to be state if the paper is part of any special issue and it has to be provide the names, affiliation and email contact of 2 possible reviewers.

The journal does not charge submission, article processing or publication fees.



All the contributions submitted for publication are subject to a first general review from the Editors to ascertain whether they are within the journal scope and objectives. After passing this first stage, the papers are subjected to peer reviewing. The Editorial Board will participate as often as possible in this stage of review. Invited contributions are not subjected to this type of reviewing. Contributions to the Opinions section may be reviewed solely by the Editors.

Whichever the case may be, the Authors’ opinion does not necessarily coincide with that of ARP or of the journal’s Editors or Editorial Board. The Authors are solely responsible for their opinions, even when modifications to their texts are suggested in the review process.