Open calls in special issues

Call for manuscripts on specific topics, open to the whole community during a specific time period


Closed calls

Synthetic-coated fabrics: challenges and conservation strategies

Guest Editors

  • Susana França de Sá
    Department of Conservation and Restoration, NOVA School of Science and Technology, Portugal
  • Kim Verkens
    Department of Textile Conservation and Restoration, Fashion Museum of Antuerp, Belgium
  • Adriana Rizzo
    Department of Scientific Research, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, United States
  • Sarah Scaturro
    Conservation, Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland, Ohio, United States

Open for submissions NEW DEADLINE! 29 Feb 2024

Synthetic-coated fabrics are a large class of materials with a huge variety of appearances, stratigraphies, and chemical compositions, which can range from polyurethane-based coatings to plasticised poly(vinyl chloride); from wet-, metal- or leather-look surfaces; and from simple to highly complex stratigraphies with top coating, adhesive layer, foam layer, and textile substrate. Owing to their complex and composite nature, these materials pose difficult and unprecedented challenges for conservators, curators, and scientists.

The need for collaboration between the sectors of cultural heritage and industry was recently acknowledged by a joint interim meeting organised by the ICOM-Committee for Conservation entitled “Semi-synthetic and Synthetic Textile Materials in Fashion, Design and Art” in February 2023, which positioned solutions and avenues of further research to this pressing problem.

More recently, a second symposium organized by the ModeMuseum in Antwerp, Belgium, “Coated Fabrics Collection Care” (May 2023), emphasizes the urgent need for the development of treatment approaches.

This special issue is dedicated to the safeguarding and conservation of synthetic coated fabrics in cultural heritage, commonly found in fashion, design, and art collections, but also in technical, scientific, and industrial collections worldwide. It aims to advance and disseminate knowledge, addressing the preservation and conservation issues of synthetic coated fabrics.

This special issue will include a selection of works presented at the Symposium of Coated Fabrics Collection Care but is also open to other contributions focused on this topic.

Topics of special interest include but are not limited to:

  1. Materials identification;
  2. Condition assessment;
  3. Collections care;
  4. Curatorial decisions;
  5. Preventive strategies in storage and display;
  6. Cleaning and consolidation.

Manuscript Submission Information
Manuscripts must be submitted online by registering and logging in to this website. All manuscripts must follow the journal authors’ guidelines and are subject to peer review. In the submission process, in Comments to the Editor, it must be stated that the manuscript is intended for this special issue.

Accepted papers
The revised and accepted papers will be first available online in the in press section. These papers will afterwards be gathered and published in this special issue of Conservar Património.



Conservation of industrial and technological heritage

Guest Editors

  • Alison Wain
    Centre for Creative & Cultural Research, University of Canberra, Australia
  • Graça Filipe
    História, Territórios e Comunidades, Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal
  • Isabel Tissot
    Laboratory for Instrumentation, Biomedical Engineering and Radiation Physics, Faculty of Sciences and Technology of the NOVA University of Lisbon, Portugal
  • Laura Brambilla
    Haute École Arc, Switzerland
  • Marta Manso
    Laboratory for Instrumentation, Biomedical Engineering and Radiation Physics, Faculty of Sciences and Technology of the NOVA University of Lisbon, Portugal

Open for submissions NEW DEADLINE! until 31 Jan 2023

This special issue is dedicated to the safeguarding and conservation of industrial and technological heritage.

Conservation of industrial and technological heritage can be understood as a multidisciplinary process involving various management institutions and other stakeholders in industrial heritage such as academia, industry, volunteer groups, private owners, visitors and educational groups. This wide engagement allows reflection on the processes of recognition and selection of industrial and technological heritage objects and methodologies for their conservation.

This special issue will include a selection of works presented at the Big Stuff 2022 conference on the theme “Working together conservation and safeguarding of industrial and technological heritage” but is also open to other contributions.

Topics of special interest include but are not limited to:

  1. In-situ industrial heritage conservation processes;
  2. Methodologies for operational conservation of industrial objects;
  3. Agents and processes for safeguarding and conservation;
  4. Training of professionals in conservation of industrial and technological heritage.

Manuscript Submission Information

Manuscripts must be submitted online by registering and logging in to this website. All manuscripts must follow the journal authors’ guidelines and are subject to peer review. In the submission process, at Comments to the Editor, it must be stated that the manuscript is intended for this special issue.

Accepted papers

The revised and accepted papers will be first available online in the in press section. These papers will afterwards be gathered and published in this special issue of Conservar Património.

  • Buergel, T. (2023). Return of the space hoppers: more measures on dH Comet G-BDIXConservar Património.
  • Furtado, C. (2023). Challenges in preservation of functional objects in museological context: the role of documentation in safeguarding of musical instruments collectionsConservar Património.
  • Ferreira Lopes, P., Moya Muñoz, J., & Pires Rosa, M. (2023). An in-depth look at the application of GIS for industrial heritage documentationConservar Património.
  • Lorenzone, D., Armigliato, C., & Pani, I. (2023). The conservative restoration brings the 1907 Fiat 130 HP back on the trackConservar Património.
  • Schröter, J., Foasso, C., Bellot-Gurlet, L., & Brambilla, L. (2023). Investigating five totalizing counters manufactured by the Alphonse Darras company of the CNAM collections in ParisConservar Património.
  • Swinbank, E. (2023). The Scottish transport and industry collections knowledge network (STICK)Conservar Património.
  • Konstandinos, S. (2023). How Lipman’s “caring thinking” theory for human thought may encourage the safeguarding of industrial and technological heritageConservar Património.
  • Ferreira Lopes, P. (2023). Exploring Andalusian industrial heritage through data science: breaking down the gaps and concerns to visualise opportunitiesConservar Património.
  • Marshall, S., & Riddle, J. (2023). A tale of hazards: Ingenium’s industrial collections moveConservar Património.
  • Castanho Moraes, T. (2023). Heritage (almost) forgotten: breweries between reuse, safeguard and abandonment – the cases of Portugália at Lisboa and Antarctica at Joinville, BrazilConservar Património.
  • Borges, B. (2023). The railway heritage in the context of UNESCO: railway aspects for its interpretation and safeguardConservar Património.