Legacy of the scientific collections of the Instituto de Investigação Científica Tropical, University of Lisbon: a critical review and outlook
Historic and scientific collections, Preventive conservation, IICT, Portuguese-speaking countriesAbstract
The Instituto de Investigação Científica Tropical, University of Lisbon (IICT), Portugal, holds the most important scientific collections from Portuguese-speaking African countries, which include anthropological, archaeological, ethnographic, mineralogical, botanical and zoological collections, as well as libraries and historical archives. The aim of this paper is to document the advances in conservation and management of IICT collections between 2005 and 2015, namely how the implementation of institutional initiatives created new challenges for the scientific community. After an overview of the IICT's scientific heritage since the creation of the Cartography Commission in 1883, we characterise several recent actions aimed at preserving and providing access to the collections. Considerations on the current preservation of the IICT collections are presented. It is argued that these collections are unique for tropical science and of critical importance for scientific cooperation with Portuguese-speaking countries in Africa.
Received: 2018-9-30
Revised: 2019-3-31
Accepted: 2019-5-30
Online: 2020-3-4
Publication: 2020-3-13
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