Workshop-School of restoration of modern furniture
Conservation, Restoration, Furniture, Modern, BrasiliaAbstract
The Workshop-School of Restoration of Modern Furniture is an action of Teaching, Research and Extension of the Federal Institute of Brasilia in the Federal District coordinated by teachers of the Center for Research in Modern Furniture Campus Samambaia (IFB/CSAM) which aims to preserve pieces of modern furniture, created and produced in the 1960s and 1970s, exclusively for the Palaces of Brasilia. It will be described in synthesis the actions that have been developed, followed by a case study: the restoration of a table designed by Anna Maria Niemeyer (1930-2012) for the former President of the Republic of Brazil Juscelino Kubitschek (1902-1976). This restoration is part of a set of actions to preserve part of the collection of the Palaces of the Presidency of the Republic of Brazil under the coordination of the Directorate of Historical Documentation of the Presidency.
[1] Torres, F. F.C.; Ferreira, F. H., Oficina-Escola Restauro de Mobiliário Modernos, IFB, Brasília (2018).
[2] Horta, M. de L. P.; Grunberg, E.; Monteiro, A. Q., Basic Guide to Heritage Education, National Historical and Artistic Heritage Institute / Imperial Museum, Brasília (1999).

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