The use of 3D printing in centenary doors of the “Espaço Comum Luiz Estrela”: contemporary interventions in integrated goods
3D Printing, Integrated Goods, Contemporary Interventions, Espaço Comum Luiz EstrelaAbstract
This paper presents forms of contemporary interventions in integrated goods based on 3D printing pieces to replace missing parts. In this specific case, they were used on wooden doors, belonging to the “Espaço Comum Luiz Estrela”, an eclectic building from the beginning of the 20th century in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Abandoned by the State, the building has been occupied by a collective of artists who propose the creation of a self-managed cultural space. The original front facade doors, which were quite damaged were chosen to start the restoration, because they represent the resignification of this space: a common space, open to all. Through the doors’ interventions, new technologies were used to supply the lack of specialized wood labor. Consequently, a contemporary aesthetic has been generated in a century-old element, in addition to saving materials and time during its restoration process.
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