Archaeological glass conservation and restoration intervention materials – a literature review
Archaeological glass, cleaning materials, adhesives and consolidants, gap-filling materialsAbstract
Conservation and restoration on archaeological objects in glass often involve the removal of materials from previous restorations and comprise a deep knowledge about present and past methodologies. This article presents a literature survey and critical analysis of the main materials used in the different stages of intervention: cleaning, consolidation, joining fragments and filling gaps. A considerable number of used products was identified, which illustrates the use of various methodologies among professionals from this area. Cleaning methods vary from mechanical methods using a brush (less invasive) to the use of various acidic solutions, some of which can endanger the integrity of objects, being the most common ethylenediamine tetra-acetic acid. We highlight the use of epoxy resins as adhesive, consolidant and filler, as well as the acrylic resin Paraloid B72, identified as reversible, colorless, stable and inert. This survey and analysis of the bibliography reveals the need to implement common intervention methodologies dedicated to this material.
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