Proposals for data organization and visualization to improve the management and the understanding of complex works
Conservation, Research, Digital Humanities, Big data, Visualization modelsAbstract
The adaptation of investigation alternatives through techniques developed in Digital Humanities projects allows to manage and to analyze big quantities of data from complex artistic proposals. Its implementation provides results and the understanding and assessment of characteristics and peculiarities that determine and condition dissemination, conservation and restoration decisions. Specific ontologies to each research serve to define and create databases that allow sorting and sharing information on a large scale in a dynamic and accessible way through display models based on graphs, chronological lines and graphics. Thanks to computational tools, it is possible to store and structure information in an approachable and secure way. This methodology promotes the multidisciplinary and objective analyses of data to create new knowledge and is offered as an alternative in research projects that require to analyze, to compare and to understand the singularities of multiple variables in order to offer answers adapted to the specific objectives of each investigation.
Received: 2016-11-30
Revised: 2018-1-7
Accepted: 2018-3-19
Online: 2018-5-3
Publication: 2019-1-10
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