Conserving Sidi Affane mosque: heritage, building archaeology, and historical challenges
Dating, Building archaeology, Mosque, History, ConservationAbstract
Heritage preservation requires a personalized approach, with a specific date for each element. For historic buildings, especially religious sites, knowing their history, is crucial to maintain authenticity and guide conservation decisions: complex materials and construction techniques, as well as changes over time, make this task essential. Most of the renovation projects in Constantine since 2014, following its designation as the Arab capital of culture, were carried out after the preparatory works, leaving many mosques closed, including the mosque Sidi Affane. A methodology, derived from building archaeology integrates archaeology and architecture and aims to unveil the mosque's mysteries, offering a holistic understanding of its history through interdisciplinary collaboration. Our analysis of Sidi Affane mosque seeks to establish an archaeological-architectural analysis method based on meticulous elevation readings. This approach not only holds scientific significance but also serves a practical purpose by contributing to the preliminary study for the mosque's restoration and enhancement.
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