How Lipman’s “caring thinking” theory for human thought may encourage the safeguarding of industrial and technological heritage
Lipman, Caring thinking, Decision making, Empathy, EthicsAbstract
This paper describes the potential for “caring thinking” of Matthew Lipman’s philosophy to be applied from education to museological practice to enhance new decision-making models for conservation. “Caring thinking” is crucial when applied from education to heritage conservation, as it does not only concern the treatment of the deteriorated parts of any industrial object but the truth, the museological content that lies beyond the aesthetic or historical values that have to be thoroughly examined. The Lipman theory articulates complex modes of thought that include: a) valuational, b) affective, c) active, d) normative and e) the empathy of man for human ingenuity, effort and expectations. This effort, reflects the need for the industrial and technological heritage conservator not only to extend the life-span of the collections but to strive to retain their intangible value and enhance the viewer’s museological engagement with them.
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