Sequential approach of the re-using the historical military barrack in the Old Mardin Heritage in Turkey
Historical building, Conservation, Contemporary addition, Adaptive reuse, Mardin old heritageAbstract
The architectural features of the military barrack building in the Old Town Square of Mardin were examined in order to evaluate the compatibility of the interventions and annexes with regard to contemporary conservation principles. The method of the study is based on determining the changing mass and function relationships in the historical structure by tracing technique for sequential time periods. Considering the transformation of the building from the barrack to the tax office, it was seen that the required changes damaged the original condition of the building. This situation was tried to be minimized in transformation from tax office to museum, and interventions were made according to the original condition of the building. As a result, it was concluded that instead of changing the mass scale or shape of the structure, the contemporary additions or interventions should be completely proportional to the structure, and contribute to the sense of historical pattern.
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