An approach to HBIM methodology applied to the conservation of altarpieces: two case studies in the Canary Islands
Altarpiece, Conservation, Construction system, Advanced visualization, HBIMAbstract
The altarpiece is a heritage asset with specific formal characteristics, which justifies its registration in favour of its conservation and dissemination. Given its three-dimensional nature, this study proposes the use of the HBIM methodology to create a digital replica of the altarpiece, which constitutes an information model for professional, academic or informative use. Its application involves a set of processes, intervening agents and many options regarding tools -hardware and software- used according to the needs. We present two case studies: an altarpiece in its original location and another moved to a workshop, which poses different challenges on how to capture its physical configuration, what information to add and how to present it to the user. We propose a methodology for documenting altarpieces initiated in the Canary Islands and that could be extrapolated to the study of altarpieces from different periods and geographies.

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