Case study of a tile facade intervention – Aveiro, Portugal
Conservation treatment, Facade, Tiles, Mortars, CompatibilityAbstract
Tiles are found on numerous Portuguese facades. The exposure to external agents causes degradation and, in some cases, detachment of these tiles. In the coastal area of Aveiro city (Portugal), the building's facades, exposed to adverse atmospheric conditions are in constant contact with aggressive agents, which cause the detachment of a significant amount of facade tiles. Within the scope of the SOS Azulejo Project, and in partnership with the University of Aveiro, Fábrica Centro Ciência Viva de Aveiro, the Prison of Aveiro and DDL Arg, this study encompasses the conservation of a tile facade, after degradation and detachment of the ceramic body. Several replicas of the tiles were made in the specific context of a training action that took place at the Aveiro Prison. The technical study was carried out to analyze the compatibility and reversibility of the mortars and ceramic tiles used. The mortars were tested in their fresh and hard state for consistency through spreading, flexural tensile strength, compressive strength, water absorption, and pull-off adhesion tests on bricks surfaces. The results were satisfactory, and the replicated tiles were applied on a building’s facade on the National Tile Day, as part of an awareness campaign.
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