Trajectory and exhibition of a time-based media work: "The drawing of the girl running away from her support" (2014), by Ana Vieira (1940-2016)
Installation, Trajectory, Actor-Network-Theory, Decision-making, Ana Vieira, DocumentationAbstract
Ana Vieira (1940-2016) left a set of installations without systematised documentation or set guidelines. In an attempt to preserve her legacy, heirs have promoted exhibitions as a way to document the tangible and intangible characteristics of these complex works. In 2017, there was an attempt to reinstall the video installation The drawing of the girl running away from her support at the Graça Morais Contemporary Art Centre, but without success. However, in 2019, the necessary conditions were met for its reinstallation at the Museum of Art, Architecture and Technology. Through this case study and based on Latour's Actor Network-Theory, it was demonstrated that the exhibition is a crucial moment in the trajectory of the work and in the analysis of a network of agents, human and non-human, giving rise to documentation that is essential to inform future decision-making.
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