Originality and authenticity of textiles artefacts in house-museums
Decorative textiles, Historical house, Authenticity, Originality, MuseographyAbstract
This article is a result of the Project for the Museographic Renewal of the Rui Barbosa House Museum, in Rio de Janeiro. This approach discusses the introduction of non-original textiles in the museum, since previous research has demonstrated that its environment is partially featureless. From the theoretical point of view, the idea of renewal is supported by the assumption that decorative textiles are necessary to build the narrative in the museum. From this perspective, some reflections are presented here about the originality versus non-originality of the textile typologies inside historical houses.
Received: 2018-6-16
Revised: 2018-10-22
Accepted: 2018-12-11
Online: 2019-2-14
Publication: 2019-4-30
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