Oriental patterns in Andalusi textile ornamentation – 13th-15th centuries
Andalusi textiles, Re-evaluation textile decoration, Panni tartarici, Almohad fabrics, Nasrid fabricsAbstract
Andalusi textiles developed a decorative repertoire of oriental origin. In the second half of twelfth century there was a change in textile decoration. This change has been associated with the religiosity of the Almohads, the new dynasty. Also, it has been considered that the textile production of the Nasrid period is unique and has been related to the architectural decoration, but the Andalusi textile production of the last centuries of the Middle Ages is related to the decorative changes that are produced from the dissemination of fabrics from central Asia, which influence the production of workshops in the Mediterranean Basin.
Received: 2018-6-17
Revised: 2018-11-7
Accepted: 2018-12-5
Online: 2019-2-4
Publication: 2019-4-30
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