Digital Printing in Contemporary Art. A review for conservation decision-making
Printing technologies, Digital print terminology, Data-recording, Reproduction, ConservationAbstract
Art uses the contemporary tools developed at the time, because of their material and conceptual possibilities. Comparing with other media, computers and output devices have transformed our society and culture in the last decades more than ever. These resources offered an interesting research path for artists, generating consideration and discussion concerning its use and conservation. On this regard this paper focuses on two main aspects: the materials employed to produce digital prints (technologies, inks, substrates, finishing and mounting) and conservation issues such as terminology concerns, documentation and recording, long-term stability, and reproduction matters. Clear standards are needed in order to guarantee the conservation of these artworks, representative of this century.
Received: 2019-8-13
Revised: 2019-11-13
Accepted: 2020-1-6
Online: 2020-5-13
Publication: 2020-11-27
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