Reflections on the conservation challenges of scientific and technological objects
Conservation, Objects of science and technology, Conservation methodologies, Decision-making toolsAbstract
The conservation of science and technology (S&T) heritage encompasses complex challenges. Among the reasons for this complexity are the S&T objects specific characteristics: the wide variety of materials, construction techniques and dimensions, and the existence of operating mechanisms. Present conservation methods are not fully adapted to the specificity of this heritage, requiring more research on S&T conservation. This paper identifies the main challenges of S&T objects conservation and gives guidelines to overcome them by i) increasing knowledge on materials and their degradation; ii) understanding the objects’ function; iii) researching and developing new conservation techniques compatible with the characteristics of S&T objects; and iv) creating decision-making tools for the definition and implementation of conservation and maintenance programs.
Received: 2018-10-15
Revised: 2019-5-3
Accepted: 2019-5-30
Online: 2019-6-20
Publication: 2020-3-13
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