Displaying a taxidermy rhinoceros in a museum: the Lisbon conservation approach
Horn, Replica, Replacement, Ethics, Preventive restorationAbstract
The present problems around the public display of a full taxidermy mounted rhinoceros in Lisbon and the motifs for the replacement of its original horns are presented in this paper. The twentieth century specimen concerned belongs to the National Museum of Natural History and Science of the University of Lisbon (MUHNA C). The several warnings of rhino horn thefts occurring in museums across Europe in the last two decades and the frequency of requests for loans of this specimen for exhibitions, raised an internal debate at the MUHNA C. In this paper, firstly, we present a short overview of the problems in terms of the international context and the vulnerability of these specimens at museums, followed by a brief overview of the history of the Lisbon specimen. Finally, we detail and discuss our conservation, methodology and ethical approach to the removal and replacement of the specimen’s original horns with replicas, based on Norfolk Museums Service’s (UK) protocol and experience.
Received: 2018-10-7
Revised: 2019-3-4
Accepted: 2019-4-8
Online: 2019-6-18
Publication: 2020-3-13
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