Critical reflection on the implementation of preventive conservation plans in institutions
Preventive-conservation, Reflection, Applicability, Collections managementAbstract
In the last quarter of the past century and at the beginning of 21st century, several documents were produced by institutions in the preservation of heritage area, concerning preventive conservation. There are also several examples of national legislation with guidelines about preventive conservation – the law for Museums n.º 47/2004, the law n.º 3/2006 related with the accreditation of Museums and the law n.º 16/93, that sets the national policies for Portuguese archives. As a result of a professional experience of 13 years in the area with the development of several preventive conservation plans in the last eight years, the author makes a reflection on their practical application. Throughout the paper the results of a survey and the reflections about the integration of the plans in the management models are presented, as well as their applicability and compliance with the legislation associated.
Received: 2018-11-28
Revised: 2019-8-7
Accepted: 2020-5-28
Online: 2020-7-31
Publication: 2020-7-31
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