II Colloquium "Investigations in Heritage Conservation”
On the 27, 28 and 29 September 2018 the II Colloquium "Investigations in Heritage Conservation" took place. It resulted from the partnership between the Faculdade de Belas-Artes da Universidade de Lisboa (Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Lisbon) and the Museu da Farmácia (Pharmacy Museum). It was also an initiative of a group of researchers from the research units of CIEBA (FBAUL), CITAR (UCP/Escola das Artes), de Física (UM) and the Consórcio Heritas.
Like the I Colloquium [1], held in September 2016, it was intended to disseminate, through a multidisciplinary environment and transversal to the various areas of heritage, the investigation in cultural heritage conservation performed at masters, doctoral and post-doctoral works, although the colloquium was extended to all professionals working with heritage conservation.
Online: 2020-7-31
Publication: 2020-7-31
Bailão, A.; Pereira, F. A. B., 'I Colóquio "Investigações em Conservação do Património"', Conservar Património 27 (2018) 11-12, https://doi.org/10.14568/cp27fm2.

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