Application of light sources on photogrammetric models for the diagnosis and virtual restoration of objects in polychrome wax




Digital Photogrammetry, UV Induced Visible Fluorescence, 3D Documentation, Virtual Restoration, Wax Sculpture


The objective of this work is to present a new practical approach to digital photogrammetry in artistic diagnosis and virtual restoration. The study has been applied to an anatomical model of polychrome wax, dated from the 18th century. In the photographic record, the combination of light sources (visible and ultraviolet) has been used to obtain 3D models that serve as documentation tools to accurately map the state of conservation and to project the virtual restoration. The stages of the photogrammetric process are described along with the lighting strategy and colour management used to solve the problem of virtual registration on surfaces of objects with very bright finishes. The results obtained are promising, because they make it possible to obtain a 3D model with optimal record of the morphology of the sculpture to project virtual solutions within the decision-making model.


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How to Cite

Sterp Moga, E., Hernández-Muñoz, Óscar, & Sánchez-Ortiz, A. (2021). Application of light sources on photogrammetric models for the diagnosis and virtual restoration of objects in polychrome wax. Conservar Património, 38, 10–21.