Characterization of the wind and apparent temperature in the urban canyons of the historic center of Cuenca, Ecuador
Urban canyons, Wind, Urban morphology, Heritage, Computational fluid dynamics, Cuenca-EcuadorAbstract
The study aims to assess the wind behavior and its effect on the thermal sensation in urban canyons of the historic center of Cuenca. The methodology is based on the selection of case studies of the functional unit of the historical center to assemble simplified models according to the height/width (H/W) ratio and east-west and north-south directions. These models are simulated through the application of computational fluid dynamics (CFD), whose calculation uses values from the wind for the month of greater intensity and according to prevailing speeds and directions. The results show that the geometric relationship affects the change in wind speed and therefore modifies the apparent temperature inside it, which may increase or decrease up to 4 °C depending on the H/W ratio, orientation and time of day.
Received: 2019-9-26
Revised: 2020-6-1
Accepted: 2020-6-13
Online: 2020-11-4
Publication: 2021-2-10
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