Study of biodeterioration and evaluation of proteolytic activity caused by microorganisms in specimens of a zoological collection in Colombia
Heritage conservation, Biological collection, Natural History, Proteolysis, CollectionsAbstract
Zoological collections shelter specimens that represent the history of biodiversity at a particular time and place. Their deterioration over time results in the loss of information, therefore, it is crucial to evaluate the state of preservation of the collections to take measures regarding their management. In this study, the state of conservation of the specimens deposited in the zoology collection was diagnosed, taking into account the presence of indicators of deterioration and biodeterioration. In addition, fungi and bacteria were isolated and the proteolytic activity of some dominant strains of fungi was evaluated. It was found that 42% of the 146 specimens analyzed showed signs of biodeterioration associated with microorganisms commonly reported in the environment, such as Penicillium sp. and Cladosporium sp., which presented proteolysis in feather and hair substrates. This suggests an association between environmental conditions and the manner of storage with the deterioration of the specimens.
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