The kimono in New Spain: a local manifestation of a global fashion in the 17th and 18th centuries
Fashion, Textiles, Japan, New Spain, Kimono, Japanese robeAbstract
This paper examines the kimono to emphasize the role of Japanese material culture in the development of an Asian-inspired taste in fashion of New Spain. From that idea, it shows that some Nipponese products contributed to the occurrence of an achinado code in dress since the seventeenth century, and that was consolidated during the following century. The adoption of a connected history perspective, as well as the use of written and pictorial documents, allowed us to identify its pioneering role in that tendency as well as in its American diffusion. At the same time, we recognized the intersected points of view between Asia, Europe and America to adapt and change the meaning of that garment, until it becomes a dressing gown.
Received: 2018-3-8
Revised: 2018-12-7
Accepted: 2018-12-8
Online: 2019-2-14
Publication: 2019-4-30
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