Regeneration and conservation model of urban and cultural spaces as a capitalization strategy for unique districts. The case of Italy District, Chile
Cultural districts, Unique districts, Urban regeneration, Tourist destination brand image, EntrepreneurshipAbstract
Urban tourism is transforming cities, which are no longer places to live in because they are becoming landscapes to enjoy. Therefore, it is necessary to build new urban models, where the local, the heritage preservation and the innovative experiences can gain strength. Italy District was selected, in Santiago, Chile, to carry out the study because it has a delimited urban space, peculiar stores and an organizational and management model of the district. Its cultural, commercial and leisure time offer is an adaptation and remodeling of a historic center that, thanks to association and collaborative networks of small entrepreneurs, promote new experiences to visitors. It is concluded that this district has ideal characteristics for the development of cultural tourism, since it links the various interest groups in an urban space, together with the development of a cultural, commercial and service offer under the Italy District brand.
Received: 2019-8-2
Revised: 2019-12-11
Accepted: 2020-3-31
Online: 2020-6-4
Publication: 2021-2-10
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