Enlarged paintings: a proposal for classification
Painting, Ethics, Assemblage, Conservation, Change of shapeAbstract
The concept of enlarged painting refers to the technique of extending the support of an easel painting as well as its compositional space, to simulate a continuity with the original painting. Enlargements of support are considered historical additions with a huge documentary weight, so making decisions about their conservation entails great responsibility. Furthermore, additions can be key for a painting to fulfil its function within a certain social assemblage or network, so to promote correct decision making, it is vital to know the reasons why a painting was enlarged. The aim of this research has been to develop a classification of enlarged paintings, according to the purpose of the enlargement. The classification includes the following categories: updating pictures, adaptation to a new space and/or a new frame, completing mutilated paintings, changes in iconography, enlargement in order to create independent works, and grouping paintings together.
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